Sunday, November 25, 2018

Santa Trials

 When you hear the word Christmas, what do you think of? Perhaps you'll think of presents piled under a tree, snow flakes covering windows, baking cookies, or listening to Christmas music. While all these things are lovely, we must not forget why we are celebrating.
  Even though Jesus' birth was not even technically in December, we say we are celebrating Him. But are we really?  I've noticed that for many people, Santa Claus is the center of Christmas. Sometimes he's even called "Father Christmas". While many people think it's no big deal, and say that it helps to make the season "magical" for children, I disagree. After all, it is Christmas.
  Often, Santa Claus is straight out replacing God. Think about it—"he sees you when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake. He knows if you've been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake!"  You could even replace Santa's name with Jesus' in this song and it would be correct.
  In a Christmas movie we watched recently, an elf got out the book of Santa's mistakes, and showed the others that it was empty. So apparently, Santa makes no mistakes.
  I recently saw something that said, "Santa is promoting me to big sister." Now babies come from Santa?
  The chocolate dollar bills they sell around Christmas time with Santa's face on them say, "In Santa we trust."
  Aside from all these things, I think it's dishonest.
  So there are some of my opinions. We still watch Christmas movies about Santa Claus, and sing songs that mention him, but we don't put him higher up then he should be.

  What do you think about Santa Claus?


  1. Very well said!! This is a great post! I new that people say that Santa is watching you so you better be good and all that nonsense but I had no idea they where putting Santa's face on chocolate bills with "In Santa we trust" on it. I just hate what people have turned Christmas into. My family has always told us that Santa isn't real but when me and my sister where little we just didn't understand. We where like why would parents purposefully lie to there kids and tell them about some magical character that was totally not real. It just made no since to me as a little girl that was told lying was wrong yet even Christian family's were telling there kids that Santa was real. It makes me so sad. All these thing about Santa and magic are just distractions from the devil to get us away from what Christmas is really about.That is why we must be carful. Things like Christmas trees, present, funny Christmas songs are all fine but we must make sure that we are not focusing on those things but on Jesus and his berth. Me and my family also watch Santa movies but we are careful not put him higher then he should be.

    1. Thank you Beth! It is sad what Christmas has become. I agree about Santa being a distraction from the Devil. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

  2. I totally agree with this post!!!

  3. Aw man! Yes!! You word things so good! Thanks for writing this!

  4. You worded this perfectly! Yees, I pretty much agree! :)

  5. I agree! Sure, Santa is fun, but he shouldn't be higher up when we think of CHRISTmas. :) I never knew there were such things as "In Santa We Trust." That's kinda weird... Nice post!! :D


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