Sunday, November 25, 2018


  Hello, today I just wanted to tell you about a website I found, . As you may have noticed, I made a new header, and I got all of the pictures from this website. It's so simple! You don't even have to make an account, just type in something, such as pink flowers, and free pictures of pink flowers will come up. Just click download, and that's it! It says you don't have to link back to them, but you can to help the photographers gain exposure if you want, so that's what my new "CREDITS" page is for.

  Do you take your own pictures, or find pictures online? Yes, I know I change my blog a lot. :P


  1. I do take my own pictures! But when/if I get my own blog I would get them from the internet...

  2. Oh, cool! I checked out the website, and loved it! Thanks so much for sharing!!! :D


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