Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Laura Ingalls Wilder Birthday // Gingerbread

  Hello! I don't know if you already knew or not, but today is Laura Ingalls Wilder's birthday! Yesterday, I tried out her gingerbread recipe. Here's part of it in her handwriting:

Photo found online.

  We put butter on our gingerbread, but Laura suggested chocolate frosting!

  The problem is, I overcooked mine. I want to make it again, and when I do, I want to put it in wider casserole dish (I used a small square casserole dish.) You should make some!

  Here is a quote by Caroline Ingalls, and then one by Laura.  

"If wisdom’s ways you wisely seek, Five things observe with care: To whom you speak, Of whom you speak, And how and when and where." ~ Caroline ("Ma") Ingalls 

Are you going to try the gingerbread recipe? Are you doing anything else to celebrate? Have you read any of the Little House Books?



  1. Yummy! It looks really good. I might have to give that a try! I didn't realize it was her birthday today!

  2. I didn't know it was Laura Ingall Wilder's birthday!! I've read some of your books, they're really cool. My favorite is the movies. :)

    Lily @


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