Friday, January 19, 2018

God Spoke Tibetan : Book Review

  Hello readers! Did you have a nice weekend?
  A few days ago, I finished an interesting book called, God Spoke Tibetan. The Subtitle is:


The Back Cover:
  This is the true story of the men, who gave the Bible to the people of remotes, forbidden Tibet in the language of the Tibetans. 
  Starting with the sudden death of a Dalai Lama in the thousand-room palace of Lhasa, the story moves into Kashmir as a government official accused of murder escapes for his life. This fugitive, settling in a "Shangri-la" valley of Kashmir, helps launch the first attempts to translate the Bible. But the task proves formidable beyond anyone's imagination, as a sequence of heartbreaking setbacks blocks the translators' efforts. Not only are there language barriers, but also war and revolution, a Himalayan thunderstorm, the heat of India;s plains, and a roaring avalanche from a mountain cliff.
  The setting for this improbable but well-documented narrative is an exotic land surrounded by the world's highest mountains. It is a country whose people practice Buddhism heavily mixed with demon worship; where polyandry (plurality of husbands) is practiced; where, until the Chinese invasion, a succession of Dalai Lamas were both worshiped and assassinated. 
  The translation of the Bible hardly sounds like an exciting event, but this one is different. You will not only be entertained, but inspired with a sense of the power of the Word of life, the Book that "is quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword."
  "God Spoke Tibetan" will stir all those who love the Holy Scripture and rejoice in its triumphant witness to the farthest points of the globe.

  I really liked this book. One courier, taking the proofs to Leh got hit by an avalanche. Another man, Bahadar, was caught in a storm which had split his ear drums. He wouldn't hear for weeks, and after that, he wouldn't hear well! But in the end, the Tibetan Bible was finished, and God's timing (as always) was perfect. If it had been finished quickly, not many Bibles could have entered Tibet. You would probably have been killed if you were found carrying one. But now, because of war, when all hope was lost, "at this precise time God's Book appeared and spoke to the people of peace and life and hope." This book shows God's Hand moving over and over again!

-NOTE: This book does have a very gruesome description in it, of the Pehar, a god, going into an Oracle. You should ask a parent before reading.

If you do read this book, I suggest reading it, and then the forward. The forward was interesting, but it might not have been as interesting if I hadn't already read the book.

  Have you ever read God Spoke Tibetan? Have you ever read any similar books?


  1. I've never read this book, but it sounds pretty interesting! Is it nonfiction or fiction?

    1. Hmm. Well it's more nonfiction, but I'm not sure if EVERYTHING in it is true. It was!

  2. Thanks for the book review
    Lily @


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